How many grants will you be providing?
Our intent is to award multiple grants in the Spring of 2025 (15 to 20). Grants range between $1,000 and $10,000. (The foundation has awarded 119 grants and $562,000 in the last seven years.)
Are the grants awarded to individuals or schools?
Although grants are awarded to a teacher or team of teachers, checks will be made out to your school or school district. Access to your funds will be through your school or school district’s bank account. (*Make sure you're allowed to access funds through these accounts.) The check will be mailed to the attention of the project lead. It is the lead persons responsibility to deposit it in the appropriate account.
What type of grant should I apply for?
The Academic Enrichment grant focuses on the academic needs and enrichment of students and can be awarded to an individual or team of teachers. Professional Learning grants focus on instructional practice and are awarded to teams of teachers only (grade level or subject team).
How large of a grant should I apply for?
Grants range from $1,000 to $10,000. When considering your project think carefully about your "real" needs. Regardless of grant size, your request needs to show it's thought out and you understand how to measure its impact. However, the larger the grant the more specific you'll need to be as to why your project requires the funding requested.
If I were awarded a grant and chose to leave my current school would I still receive funding? What if my teaching assignment changes?
No, funding is only provided to a teacher or teachers returning to their current school in the fall. Your project is built around your current teaching assignment. (If a member of your team changes schools, considerations can be made.) In addition, if your teaching assignment changes within your current school (from the time you received a grant and the start of your project) , your grant could be denied (switching grades or academic subject).
If I'm awarded a grant when do I have to use the funds?
Grants awarded in May of 2025 are to be used during the 2025 - 2026 school year. Preference is given to projects that begin in September 2025 (or just prior). Please be specific on the "timeline" for your project. If your project is significantly delayed, you may be asked to return your funds.
What makes for a strong application?
We’re looking for educators who understand the social, emotional and academic challenges of their students. In regards to professional learning, they must have a solid understanding of their professional learning needs and those of their team. A key factor is your ability to define the issue, what your response to that issue will be and how you’ll quantify its effectiveness.
What does it mean to “work in collaboration with the Ellison Foundation and share your ideas with others”?
If you and/or your team receive an Ellison Education Grant, we'll maintain contact throughout the 2025 – 2026 school year. An in-person or virtual meeting (phone call) will be held three times during the school year – September, January, and May.
We will request a two page “reflection paper” by June 13, 2026. The paper must summarize the issue you addressed, your response to that issue, and the impact your project had. Please know your reflection paper may be shared on our website.
Are there guidelines regarding budget items for the grant?
The Ellison Foundation allows the grant writer to provide rationale for fund allocation. Books, materials, art supplies, stipends, technology, etc., are all within the scope. Travel expenses are often not funded but might be considered. Stipends for teachers should not be the bulk of the budget. Fees for substitutes are considered as a necessary expense.
What happens once I've submitted my application?
Once your application has been submitted you’ll receive a confirmation from the Ellison Foundation and your work is done. All applicants will be notified if they are moving forward as a finalist by April 6th 2025.
What happens if I'm chosen as a finalist?
If your proposal is chosen as a finalist, the Ellison Foundation will conduct an interview at the applicant(s) school. In addition, you will be emailed an Administrators/Principals recommendation to be filled out by your supervisor and returned prior to our visit. During our site visit we'd like to request a brief meeting with your principal or administrator as well.
January 6 through March 30, 2025 - Applications are accepted between January 6 and March 30 2025; applications are not accepted before or after these dates.
April 6, 2025 – You will be notified if your application is selected as a finalist. If you are a finalist, you will be emailed an Administrators/Principals recommendation form to be filled out and returned prior to our visit.
April - May 2025 - If your proposal is chosen as a finalist, the Ellison Foundation will conduct a site visit interview with the applicant(s). We will also request a brief meeting with the applicant’s principal or administrator.
May 25, 2025 - All finalists will be notified if they’ve been selected as a grant recipient by May 23, 2025.
August 24, 2025 – A check will be mailed to the awardee's school no later than August 22 2025. It will be addressed to the project’s lead. It is that persons responsibility to ensure funds are deposited in the appropriate bank account. Funds can easily be distributed before this date if needed.